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Benefits of Tree

Reduce Pollution

Oxygen - the nectar of Life is made by trees. Cutting down of trees has created an imbalance in the levels of CO2 thus giving rise to the Green House Effect. Green House Effect is one of the reasons for Global Warming.

As per stats, a mature tree absorbs 48 pounds of CO2 per year. Also, an acre of trees will absorb CO2 created by a car running 26,000 miles. Apart from absorbing CO2, trees also absorb other harmful gases like SO2, NO2, dust etc. These harmful gases hamper their process of Photosynthesis, thus making the trees vulnerable to various diseases.

It is rightly said that Trees are the Lungs of the Earth, as they provide Oxygen required by nearly all the living inhabitants. Reducing the pollution at every level possible will be a wonderful gift to the trees.

Cool The City

Who doesn’t love the cool shade of the trees on a bright sunny day? But today the area covered by trees is decreasing and it is been replaced by man-made constructions, thus giving rise to the climatic temperatures. Trees have the excellent ability to cool the roads and the whole city by shading, blocking the sunlight and giving off water vapor through their leaves. The temperature in areas with heavy tree coverage is often 9 degrees lower than in urban areas away from trees. We need to remember the equation that trees and climatic temperature are inversely proportional to each other. The more the number of trees, the less will be the temperature.

We can make small changes while developing infrastructures like planting more trees on sidewalks, driveways, patios. This will lower the heat-island effect created by buildings and pavements. Ideally, 50% of the paved surface needs to be shaded.

This is, in fact, one of the best environmental benefits of trees that people should learn and plant more trees in their cities to reduce the temperature outdoors.

Save WaterAnd Reduce Soil Erosion

Trees can slow water evaporation. Most of the newly-planted trees require only 57 liters of water a week. They can make an increase in atmospheric moisture as trees transpire. Besides, trees can help protect the source of water from pollution. Trees slow down the runoff by breaking rainfall yet let the water flow down the trunk. This means that trees prevent storm-water from moving pollutants to the ocean and help control flood for many cities. When covered, trees operate like a sponge that filtrates water naturally and then makes use of it to regenerate groundwater supplies.

Trees create organic substances on the soil surface from their fallen leaves. Their roots boost soil permeability. Therefore, trees help reduce surface water runoff from storms, reduce soil erosion and streams’ sedimentation. In fact, this is also among the most wonderful environmental benefits of trees so that people should protect them from damages to conserve the source of water and land.

Conserve Energy

Electricity bills are creating a big hole in the pocket. Conserving energy is a direct economic benefit of trees. According to a research, if three trees are grown around a single home, its air conditioning needs in the summer will be cut up to 50%. Now that is something we all really need to think about. A tree can be considered as a natural air conditioner. A single tree can generate the cooling effect for 10 rooms, which equals the amount of cooling of an air conditioner operating about 20 hours a day.

Besides, you can also enhance the heat pump’s efficiency by shading it with trees. In the summer, trees block sunlight but in the winter, they allow sunlight to warm your home, reducing energy for heating because they act as a windbreak. This all leads to lower energy consumption, which conserves energy which can be used for other purposes.

More trees should be planted to the West and South side of the home to reduce air conditioning costs. And, to have windbreaks to save energy used for heating, trees should be planted to the North side of the home to intercept winter winds. If everyone focuses on reducing the energy consumption at the individual level, it will be a big achievement, as the results collectively will be huge.

Block Ultraviolet Rays

Skin Cancer in particular is rising these days. Doctors say that the harmful Ultra Violet rays are responsible for it. Trees can help us fight it. Trees help in blocking the UV rays which are a great threat to the entire mankind. Trees have the advantage to reduce UV-B exposure by approximately 50%, thus protecting us from harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. Somebody standing beneath 90% of trees’ coverage is equivalent to wearing SPF 10 sunscreen.

If we have trees along walkways, on playgrounds, and in neighborhoods, they will help decrease sunlight, thus decrease health risks related to sunlight. So to reduce the effects of the harmful UV rays, we need to plant as many trees as possible.

Help People Healthier

A famous saying is “Health is Wealth”. Trees are a considered as a symbol of overall prosperity, including health. People living in greener surroundings face lesser health issues as compared to people who live in concrete jungles. Scientific research study states that patients who always see trees out the windows have the ability to heal faster, recover from surgery quickly and have less complication. Seeing trees for less than 10 minutes can alleviate muscle tension, lower blood pressure, and alter brain electrical activity to induce relaxation, leading to long-term influences on overall health.

Addition to this, people who live in greener neighborhoods are less likely to get asthma, are more active and less likely to be obese. Moreover, studies have shown that urban vegetable can slower heartbeats, relax brain wave patterns, and lower blood pressure. To ensure our wealth of well-being, we should plant more and more trees.

Create Economic Opportunities

This is also one of the best benefits of trees that people should take advantage of trees to have more economic opportunities.

Fruits and flowers harvested organically are in demand these days. Many business opportunities related to green waste landscaping and management are becoming popular. Job training for the youth who are interested in green jobs is a good way to get more economic opportunities coming from trees and thus improving the number of trees.

Who doesn’t enjoy a good green view from one’s workplace window? According to a survey, offices and apartments in wooded areas have a higher occupancy rate. Areas embedded with Green color have more business opportunities and attracts more visitors.

Help People Live Better Lives

Nature is our first home. We all belong to it. We feel restful and peaceful in a grove of trees like the way we are at home. Trees help people have positive thoughts on life’s changes. Trees have a positive vibes of its kind and spending time among green spaces help reduce day to day life’s stress. Children often retain more information taught at school if they have time outdoors in a place with a lot of greenery. Many times, trees are planted as reminders of our loved ones or living memorials or to commemorate important events in our lives.

Moreover, green surroundings also encourage outdoor physical activities. Children who spend much time outside always pay better attention, have better self-discipline, are relaxed and achieve better results at school.

Trees work 24 hours a day to improve our quality of life and our environment. Trees are the main capital assets for every city. Planting more trees, especially in areas where air pollution is on high rise is a great way to enhance the health of urban residents.

Reduce Noise

Noise pollution is another threat to humans. Excessive and prolonged exposure to noise may give rise to higher cholesterol levels, hypertension, irritability and even aggressive behavior. Tree leaves and branches have the ability to absorb and block sound waves. A belt of trees with 45 feet high and 100 feet wide can lower highway noise by 50%, and evergreen trees give a reduction in year-round noise. People should learn and compulsorily consider planting trees to reduce noise pollution.

Increase Property Values

Nature’s beauty mesmerizes each one of us. Who wouldn’t want a house in nature’s lap and wake up to its beauty daily? Trees add a sense of solitude, security, and privacy to our life. Trees also offer us color, pleasant smells, fruits, flowers, shapes to look at and music to listen. Trees can serve the next generations, so this relates us to our near and distant generations. All these parameters can help raise property values by up to 15%, and similarly, consumers also tend to spend up to 13% more at shops near trees. Trees make an increase in value from the time they are newly-planted until they are mature, and homes with well-placed trees are more valuable to rent or sell than other homes sitting on a barren landscape. Planting trees is a win-win game from all aspects of Life.