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About Trees


Rabindranath Tagore said, “Trees are the Earth’s endless efforts to speak to the listening heaven”.

We all know what a tree is! The very existence of mankind depends on trees. They give us the Gift of Life – Oxygen. Trees absorb CO2 and exhale O2. Trees give us flowers, fruits, timber, bamboo, fuels, etc. We all love to rest under the shade of a tree on a sunny day. Trees are also a great source of materials for our basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Apart from that, trees have protected us from severe climatic conditions, provides us with medicines, raw material like gum, rubber required to process many finished goods.

It won’t be an exaggeration to say that the very existence of humans depends on the trees. They keep a check on soil erosion and its fertility. But as Mahatma Gandhi says “There is enough in this world for a man’s need but not for a man’s greed”. The greed of humans has led to the cutting of trees and have created a serious ecological imbalance. The only way to fight this imbalance is by planting more trees. It is our moral duty to preserve trees with great care and love.

Trees release oxygen which we need for our life. They also absorb the carbon-dioxide. Many living species live in trees. Trees form the natural habitat of many animals, birds and insects.Trees help make the land fertile. We get good crops out of fertile land.They are the sources of the fruits and flowers. They offer us cool shade during summer. During rainy season, we take shelter under the trees. Trees and plants are the sources of many supply life-saving drugs. They prevent land erosion and guard us against pollution. Thus, trees keep up the ecological balance. Trees protect us from inclement wind also. Seeds, nuts and fruits are food sources for humans and animals.

Conclusion: Thus, trees play an important role in our life. Felling of trees disturbs the eco-system. We should preserve trees and plants with great care.